Share life together.
Lifegroups are small groups of men or women that meet weekly all across our campus to study the Bible. We were not created to be alone; we were created by God for relationships, and Lifegroups are a great opportunity to find lasting friendships as you grow in your walk with God. Join us as we share in the struggles and joys of walking through life together!
Why should I join a Life Group?
We all need some form of community to encourage us, support us, and keep us going through our daily lives. Life Groups provide an easy way to form lasting friendships and grow in your relationship with God.
What do Life Groups do?
The main goal of a Life Group is to study God's Word, to help one another practically apply it to their everyday lives, and to build community within the group. They don't meet just once a week, they are a part of each other's lives. Groups will hang out, study together, and build friendships with each other.
When and where to Life Groups meet?
Life Groups meet in the on campus dorms and apartments and meet once a week on either Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights.
Spring 2025 Life Groups
Summer Life Groups meet all around the UL Campus on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. LifeGroups are groups of either guys or girls, getting together to share life and get in God’s Word
So pick which ever night works best for you and join a LifeGroup:
Agnes: Sammy and Jonus — Wednesdays 6:30
Jonathan C. — Mondays 6:00
Huger: Grahm and John L. — Mondays 6:30
Bonin: Zack P. and De’Andre — Monday 6:00
Seth and Gabe — Tuesdays 6:30
Corona: Austin and Hunter — Mondays 6:30
Christian and Jackson — Tuesdays 7:00
Harris: Jackson and Lionel — Tuesdays 7:00
Legacy: Kiren — Monday 6:30
Heritage: Nyjal — Tuesday 6:30
Agnes: Marriah and Avery — Wednesday 7:00
Baker: Sophia and Ashanni — Tuesdays 6:30
Huger: Carmen and Karis — Tuesdays 6:00
Bonin: Ty’Keira and Princess — Tuesdays 6:30
Kassy and Ambrosia — Wednesdays 6:30
Corona: Amari and Halle — Mondays 6:30
Macy and Jahnexi — Tuesdays 6:00
Harris: Tyana and Ryleigh — Wednesdays 6:30
Legacy: Ellie — Tuesdays 6:30
Heritage: Sam and Treasure — Tuesday 6:00
Wingate: Sarah and Lanora — Tuesdays 6:30